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Hyper Personalized Dashboards
Financial Metrics Dashboards

Financial Metrics Dashboards

Hyper Personalized Dashboards

Fully configurable Asset Classification. Users can choose to classify asset classes, sub-asset classes, geography as they wish.

Last Updated: ‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎
January 24, 2023

Asset Allocation

Fully configurable Asset Classification

Users can choose to classify asset classes, sub-asset classes, geography as they wish

Interactive Dashboard showing evolution of Asset Allocation over time (Premium Dashboard)
Interactive Dashboard showing evolution of Asset Allocation over time (Premium Dashboard)

Geographical Asset Allocation

Geographical Asset Allocation for any day chosen
Geographical Asset Allocation for any day chosen

Performance and Total Return

Time Weighted Returns (TWR)

The time-weighted return (TWR) multiplies the returns for each sub-period or holding-period, which links them together showing how the returns are compounded over time.
The time-weighted return (TWR) helps eliminate the distorting effects on growth rates created by inflows and outflows of money.

Time Weighted Returns are calculated in the following methods

  • TWR on Networth (i.e. Leveraged Returns)
  • TWR on Non Cash Assets (i.e. ignores the funding cost of the strategy)
  • TWR on Cash Deployed
  • Unleveraged TWR
Dashboards can show TWR on any of the infinitely configurable calculations done on your account
Dashboards can show TWR on any of the infinitely configurable calculations done on your account

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

IRR, the performance metric of choice in the PE industry, represents the discount rate that renders the net present value (NPV) of a series of investments zero. IRR reflects the performance of a private equity fund by taking into account the size and timing of its cash flows (capital calls and distributions) and its net asset value at the time of the calculation.

Total Return (including Coupons/Dividends)

Calculated daily, can be reported on any time frequency like daily, monthly, quarterly etc

Profit/Loss on the account can be combined and visualized in any way desired
Profit/Loss on the account can be combined and visualized in any way desired

Realized and Unrealized Gains/Loss

Canopy uses Average Cost method to calculate Realized and Unrealized Gain/Loss. Detailed calculations are available


Mark to Market Risk

Fx and Price mark to market risk in your account can be visualized in multiple ways

Evolution of Price Mark to Market over time (similar chart for Fx Mark to Market or combined effect is possible)
Evolution of Price Mark to Market over time (similar chart for Fx Mark to Market or combined effect is possible)

Value at Risk

Actual daily p&l volatility of the particular strategy is calculated. VaR is then estimated using a 95% confidence level and a normal distribution assumption

Volatility, Sharpe/Sortino Ratio


Attribution Heat maps

Showing amount of profit and Sharpe Ratio (i.e. how much money was made and how well you made it) in one chart

Attribution Deep Dive

Slice and dice the cause of your p&l in unlimited ways, down to each individual transaction

Fund Look Through

Both Level 1 and Level 2 are possible